From its humble beginnings in 1984, the GLBC has grown to become one of the largest, most prestigious bowfishing tournaments in the nation. The great bowfishing potential, local hospitality, and the unparalleled
camaraderie of the participants continues to draw this fine group of sportsmen back to Caseville each year.
Over the past 38 years these participants have broken the previous World Record set out in California for the most fish by a bowfishing tournament sixteen times. They currently hold the world mark at an astounding 278,871 pounds!
Aside from providing a lot of recreational fun for hundreds of sportsmen and ridding the bay of tons of unwanted, destructive "trash" fish, the tournament's primary goal was met. Organizers raised thousands of dollars for the
Wildlife Education Foundation
- a non-profit organization who's primary mission is to get kids involved in the great outdoors.
In the past, the foundation has been responsible for putting over 60,000 campers through the Sleeper State Park Outdoor Center. The vast majority of these campers were kids from all over Michigan who got to experience the great outdoors, learn about environmental respect and wildlife conservation, and experience shooting sports and firearms safety. In 2013, the state closed the Outdoor Center for evaluation for possible renovations. Because of the success of this tournament and the generosity of its supporters, the foundation will continue to ensure that kids who want to experience Michigan's great outdoors will have that opportunity at various other outdoor education programs around the state including Salvation Army, SCI, school programs, etc.
"I would like to thank our generous supporters, our sponsors, our donors, and our very supportive tournament participants', said tournament Director Bob
Easterbrook. "The foundation and the kids who benefit from it are extremely grateful. It's great to see so many people come together, have this much fun and do so much good. I thank you all for your incredible 39 years of outstanding support!"
By Bob Easterbrook,